Prof. Wout van Bommel MSc obtained his academic degree in
physics at the University of Technology in Eindhoven, the
Netherlands. He worked for more than 35 years with
Philips Lighting in different lighting application functions. He
was, amongst others, responsible for Philips' International
Lighting Design and Application Centre (LiDAC).
He has carried out research into many different road lighting,
sports lighting and indoor lighting subjects.
Some concepts now used in international standards for lighting are
based on his research work.
Many lighting installations all over the world are
being designed and commissioned using these concepts. Examples are:
semi-cylindrical illuminance for residential area lighting, glare
rating, GR, in sports lighting, and the surround
ratio, SR, in road lighting.
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For the period 2003 - 2007 he has been
President of the International Lighting Commission, CIE.
From the founding in 1988 to 2008 he was the Dutch
representative of the European Lighting Normalisation
CEN TC 169.
van Bommel was in 2008 and 2009 board member of the International Dark-Sky Association,
IDA and of the
Dutch "Light & Health Research Foundation", SOLG.
He has been a board member of the association of shareholders of DIAL,
the organisation that develops and markets the free, company-neutral
lighting design software DiaLux.
van Bommel was in 2004 appointed Consulting Professor at the
Fudan University of
Shanghai and in 2008 External Examiner of the Master Course "Light and
Lighting" at the
University College of London (UCL-
Bartlett Institute).
He has published more than 100 papers in national and
international lighting journals in different languages.
He is the author of the book “Road Lighting” (translated
in Chinese and Polish).
All over the world he has presented papers, taught at
universities and schools and given
invited lectures at many different Conferences.
Click here for a survey of his
presentations. |