News flash, Book Interior Lighting:
Today, August 26 2019, my new book "Interior Lighting"is published with Springer.
News flash, 2019:
Wout van Bommel starts this winter a series of ten 2-hour advanced lighting courses for lighting professionals for the Dutch Lighting Society: NSVV Verlichtings Collegetour. This tour will be repeated annually.
News flash, Lecture series for the university for seniors:
On four Tuesday mornings in October and November 2019, Wout van Bommel will lecture for non-lighting professionals (light-laymen) at the university for seniors (HOVO Brabant, TU/e Campus Eindhoven). Information and subscription: HOVO.
News flash, NSVV Wout van Bommel Award:
Today, February 11 2019, Wout van Bommel was the first to receive the NSVV Wout van Bommel Award named after him. This award of the Dutch Lighting Society, NSVV, will from now on be awarded annually.
News flash:
Wout van Bommel received the 2020 LIT Lifetime Achievement Award for Lighting Application Research
INTERIOR LIGHTING Fundamentals, Technology and Application
ROAD LIGHTING Fundamentals, Technology and Application
Prof. Wout van Bommel MSc
has over 45 years of experience in road, sports, office, industrial,
architectural lighting (indoor and outdoor). With his vast international experience in lighting
application he advices as an independent Lighting Consultant, after his retirement from Philips Lighting, lighting designers, researchers, companies municipalities and governmental bodies.
He assesses the quality of specifications of lighting
installations (certification). He presents papers in
English, German and Dutch at congresses, symposia and
workshops and teaches at lighting courses. He is available
as a personal tutor for beginning presenters or those who
want to improve their presentations.
Since more than
20 years Wout van Bommel is also specialized in the new
subject of non-visual biological aspects of lighting
influencing in turn our health and wellbeing. He gives basic
and advanced lectures about lighting, health and wellbeing
for both professional and laymen groups of people.
must be key in lighting, especially because lighting uses
20% of the world's electricity. A good definition of
sustainability in the context of lighting is: "balancing the positive
effects of lighting on living beings with the negative impact of that
lighting on the environment". Sustainability therefore not only asks for the use of the right lighting
products and systems but also for the use of the right lighting specification
based on the latest standards, recommendations and
developments. Wout van Bommel is specialized in both these
aspects. Watch van Bommel's Philips Academy Webinar "Mesopic Vision and Road Lighting: the real story"